Greetings, fellow action researchers and guests! We are the Green and Grey Classroom! We will use this blog to communicate the findings, questions, and results of our action research plan. We had our first meeting today where we discussed group roles, and came to the conclusion that we should first decide on a research question. We also created a Twitter account (@greyhoundclass) in addition to this wonderful blog to communicate with groups and individuals doing similar work. The five of us look forward to the year ahead of creating and implementing an action research plan concentrating in secondary education. Take a minute to get to know us below!
Hi, my name is Christy Kontos, and I am an action researcher out of Loyola University Maryland, focusing on secondary education. My content area is English, and I am hoping to work in 8th grade upon receiving my masters degree in education this upcoming May. I enjoy literacy, blogging, and creative writing.
Hello! My name is Kevin Harrington and I am currently getting my Master's in Teaching at Loyola University Maryland! My focus for teaching is Secondary Education in the subject of Social Studies.
Hi, my name is Dana Boggiano and I am currently pursuing a Masters of Arts in Teaching with a concentration in mathematics. I am hoping to work in a high school classroom upon receiving my degree in May.
Hi, I am Jane Mundy a math teacher at Perry Hall Christian School. I am a mother and a grandmother to a beautiful red head. I hope to earn my masters in teaching from Loyola in the spring of 2015.
Hi, my name is Colleen Carroll and I am also currently pursuing a Masters degree from Loyola University. My content area is Spanish, and I ultimately would like to teach middle school. I enjoy learning about other cultures and languages and hope to pass this on to my future students!
You are off to a good start. Looking forward to additional posts soon.